Friday, December 03, 2004

Too Dang Much Happenin' Right Now

Man, I AM Swamped.

This week after our meeting (And I've gotta give ya the lowdown on that soon) at work, it has just been absolutely NUTS!

The nuttiest thing going on right now is what happened yesterday, going down today and keeping me busy next week. The church I go to applied for a Low Power FM radio station 3 years ago. We've finally raised the funds needed to begin assembling the station.

Yesterday, the tower arrived - so I had to go help take delivery of that tower. 100' of galvanized steel tower in a BUNCH of sections.

Today, I've got to go between 8a and 10:30 and begin assembling the tower while another guy from the church helps by putting re-bar in the 10'x10'48" hole for the base of the tower. Then I've got to run back to work and do a live show, then back to continue tower assembly and wait for the concrete truck to show up to pour the foundation.

Then next week we're having a crane come in and erect the tower in 2 sections. Aye, yie, yie, yie! Not to mention I've got to take my Father-in-law's mini-van into the shop in Knoxville because a part (A hose) has been recalled and we're taking that to Minnesota leaving the 15th. Want it to be running right etc!

Man, I'm swamped right now. Gotta slow down. GOTTA SLOW DOWN!!!

Later 'gater!

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