Wednesday, December 29, 2004

So Sad or Missing Bits or Pieces


Wow, that is a LOT of people to be killed when the tsunami hit Sri Lanka and surrounding areas. That is so very sad.

Found this odd story though. All those people were killed, but they can't find any dead animals. Even though they aren't considered as 'smart' as we are - they do have a 6th sense or instinct that lets them know to make tracks and get outta dodge.

It's neat to see all the world coming together to help. Read a story recently (can't remember where though to post a link) of a list of every country in the world and what they were sending to help in the rescue, recovery, rebuilding effort.

Can't believe that 'politicians' are using this experience for opportunities to take pot-shots at each other. Man, as I get older and older, I'm getting to the point where I detest just about anything that is political. I really, REALLY don't like many politicians at all. They're there for their own good - for the most part - and that's about it. YUCKY!

Recently I've been recording, at work, from the Discovery Channel a program called American Chopper - Orange County Choppers, a family business that builds awesome bikes. It's neat to see the bikes and the process and the human interaction with the building of a chopper. I recorded 4 full tapes (6 episodes per tape) with NO problems, but the latest tape I did, for some reason I got another program in the middle of an episode and completely missed another program on one I cut off the last few minutes of one.

Don't know what the problem was, but it was annoying the beejabbers outtta us. That just happens occassionally, when we record something and miss bits or pieces. Gotta get TiVo someday! :)

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

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