Thursday, December 16, 2004

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Hello from Minnesota,

Oh it's COLD up here. We had snow leaving Tennessee and into Kentucky, but once we got into Indiana, nothing but clear skies.

The trip up here, took us 18 hours of driving time, but we stopped once in Wisconsin to sleep for 3 hours. Doreen and I were bushed.

We got up, drove into Minnesota and ate breakfast at Denny's and then drove on into Mineapolis, MN and I got to do one of my favorite things. If we get an opportunity - I like to take photos of NFL stadiums. So we drove around the Vikings Metrodome and I snapped a few photo etc. Very cool.

Then we headed to the Mall of America - the biggest mall in the USA. We wandered around inside a bit, then went to Camp Snoopy - an inside amusement park with rides and stuff. We had a LOT of things to ride on and had fun doing. It was cool. Then we headed to Brainerd, MN and Doreen's sister's place.

This morning we got up ate breakfast, chilled a bit (no pun intended) then jumped in snow gear and went outsided to play in the snow. Fun, Fun, FUN! Natalie got fussy at one point so we sent her inside and Doreen, Joelle and I slid up and down the hill and really enjoyed it.

Right now they've got about 4 inches of snow on the ground and it's snowing pretty hard.

This afternoon we're going to make Chocolate mice for the church play afterparty. Yummy, yummy! We'll see how many are made and eaten today! :)

"Pester" ya later!

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