Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Shocked or Well Behaved Kids

Hey ya,

Busy, busy, busy here in our lives.

This weekend I had to chuckle because Joelle wanted to plug in our Christmas lights on Sunday. "Fine," was my reply, "but just plug them in and leave them alone."

Can you see what's coming.

She plugged and unplugged (daddy with warning to leave them plugged in and quit playing...) and plugged and unplugged and plugg... ZAP! :) Crying... come over to daddy for a hug... daddy softly chuckling - Lesson learned, I hope! :)

Yesterday, we had to take my father-in-law's minivan into the shop. Some hose for the power steering had been re-called and it needed an oil change because we're leaving for Minnesota in it on either Tue or Wed of next week. Dropped it off at the dealer, packed in our car and headed to the Olive Garden for lunch.

By the way... I had the grilled chicken breast with noodles and broccoli in a garlic sauce - I think that's the BEST thing I've ever gotten at an OG! Wow!

Our girls were, EXTREMELY well behaved. They both ate without prompting, or excessive spilling, or consistant wigging. It has been the best meal we've had 'out' with our two youngins. That was way cool!

In fact they were so well behaved, an elderly lady (Who was sitting 3 tables over with two other ladies who were obviously having a GREAT time sharing stories and laughing - it was funny listening to them.) came over and mentioned that they were noticing how well behaved our girls were being and really appreciated seeing two girls sitting and eating like little ladies.

We hope this means that some of our work on these two is paying off! Plus, they are just REALLY good kids to begin with! That was a very nice compliment.

After Joelle finished eating, she quietly started singing "Silent Night." A lady at a table across from us sat just listening and watching Joelle. She also mentioned what good girls we had - and to enjoy them cuz they grow old fast! (She was having a meal with her teenager.)

Love my family!!!

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