Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas Eve

Hey y'all hope you are planning to have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.

We really feel like we've already had our Christmas last week with family in Minnesota - but it's kinda sinking in that Tomorrow is really Christmas day!

Tonight the girls got to open their first gift, a toy dinnerware set from Grammy & Papa. We couldn't hardly tear them away from it when it was bath & bed time! Thanks Grammy & Papa, you done GREAT.

Doreen's been hearing some Christmas songs by Avalon recently and telling me about them. So finally I remembered to check our music library at work and sure enough we had it, Joy - A Christmas Collection. So I snagged it and brought it home to listen to. It's a very good album. We listened to it right after we got home from Wal-mart (Which was an absolute NUT-House this afternoon. They are closing at 6p for Christmas Eve evening and Christmas day and will open back up Sunday morning at 6a. I stood in the 20 items or less line for 20 minutes, at least. The other lines were a LOT LONGER!!! By 5pm they were already encouraging shoppers to make their final selections and get in a checkout line. Meanwhile people were still STREAMING in. Wow, glad we got out when we did!) Anyway, we listened to it, but the phone was ringing, the girls were fighting and the microwave was going and the refrigerater was opening and closing, so I didn't really get to enjoy it. But after everyone else but me is in bed, while surfing the web and the family Blogs (Which I enjoy reading religiously at least twice a day to keep up on stuff) I've been able to really listen and enjoy it. Cool album - Doreen was right - I do like it.

My favorite song on it, really suprised me. Cut 10 is We Are the Reason - originally recorded by David Meece in the 80's. I LOVE that song and it is so powerful. Hadn't heard it in years - and I just really enjoyed hearing it again for the first time in a really LONG time.

So what is your plans for Christmas?

We're headed to church, with a special Christmas program that Doreen put together with some music, a couple of poems and stories, more music and stuff. Should be very good. The only challenge is we've got to take Doreen's Marimba to church - that's always a big job - so she can play a medley.

Then we'll come home and if the girls fall asleep - then we'll all take naps then eat a lupper (lunch & supper combined! ***GRIN***), or if they stay awake, we'll eat then all take naps. Later in the afternoon, we'll go take care of a friend's Amazon Parrot, then back home to have pizza, salad & Mayfields ice cream. Some of the Best this side of the Mississippi! :) Delicious. Doreen picked out Jamocha Fudge and the girls and I of course LOVE Mint Chocolate Chip. Yummmy! Of course we'll have to have a sample of both!

Then we'll read the Christmas story, and then open some gifts.

It is a day we're really looking forward to!

So you all have a Very Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

The SSP said...

Sounds like a BLAST!

No killing dude - I'm happy for ya, but I got some Bronco stuff myself - that is ALWAYS Cooooool!

Are we sick? :)

Happy Holidays!