Saturday, January 10, 2009


Natalie just spilled the beans at lunch that she's kissed a boy, Ethan, one of her classmates at school!

OH MY FREAKIN' WORD! Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhh!

I knew this would be coming, but I figured it'd be Joelle first and that time was still a little while away.

I'm keeping very calm & light at home cuz I don't want her to clam up and not want to talk to us about things - but Oy VAI!!!

So I'm freakin' out on my journal to get it out and for something to remember!


Wheeew. Oops - here comes again!


1 comment:

WhiteTrek said...

Uh, I hate to tell you this, dude, but one time when I was subbing in Natalie's class, she was kissing another boy, Brandon! I had to make them stop and told them they were too young!