Thursday, November 29, 2007


Had a third trip at work this week, voluntarily. Could use the extra money. (See post coming at a later date for a further explanation.)

It was a little gravy run to 3 stop around Atlanta. We left so we were running around in the middle of the night delivering snack cakes. (That's the best time to be in Atlanta - otherwise plan LOTS of extra time for copious amounts of traffic.)

We had a back-haul scheduled for 9am, but we arrived at 6. The place didn't open until 7, so my co-driver was in the bunk and I grabbed a nap up front.

At 5 till, this little guy comes up and knocks on the door, "Back into door #6 and take your paperwork inside."

An hour later, they're finished loading us and I pull out to close the doors and head home.

As I walk back to the cab, I notice one of the tires looks funny. I kick it and it flops - FLAT!

I call the bakery and find the closest place is a TA truck stop 3 miles away. I limp it over, get a new tire and get home 2 1/2 hours later than expected.

Don't know why we got a flat there - but as always, I choose to look at it as a blessing to avoid something maybe more dangerous down the road.

Fixed-a-Flat! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS. At least that was better than what happened to me this week. I had to sit for a day and was checking things out. Well I found an air leak at the blue glad hand. well it was an old trailer so I couldn't change the glad hand. There was no way to get inside the glad hand and change the little diaphram. So I put a little piece of duct tape over the hole and brought the trailer home loaded to max with no trailer brakes, oye vey