Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Dearly Departed Dryer

Today after dropping the kids off at school, I had a couple of errands to run then I was gonna head to the Rec Center to exercise a bit, then home to do some other things.

While I'm in a store, I was talking with Doreen, and she was working on the laundry. Lo and behold the dryer will no longer work. It's dead.

So I hop in the car, head home, instead of to my workout, and check to see what might be the problem. After some diagnosing, sure enough - our dryer had gone to that big laudrymat in the sky.

What to do? Doreen could finish getting the clothes washed and I could take them to a local laundrymat and dry them or we get a new dryer.

Well, our dryer was handed down to us from our in-laws, it was WELL used before we got it. So we decided to get a new one.

I start looking online at all the typical places that have driers and start to feel dissappointed because I don't want to pay that price - even for the cheapest dryer.

Then Doreen mentions one of those scratched/dented stores that's across the street from her school.

I jump in the truck and head out there to get a look-see.

Sure enough I found one that the 'dent' is on the very back - and it's really NO big deal. We saved over $100 getting that one.

Hope it will last us quite some time!

Buh bye old dryer! :)

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