Friday, December 23, 2005

Zoom, Zoom, ZOOOOooooommmm

Hey y'all,

We are cookin now!!! After talking with some friends, we've decided to go with a VoIP for a home phone. We can have high-speed internet service, free long distance, 3 way calling, call waiting etc, etc for the same price as we were paying for dial-up and a normal phone line.

Oh man - it is so sweet to have high speed at home now. For the last two months Doreen and we've been surfing at 19.9 on an old dial up and boy was it torture to wait for pages to load.

Now, WOW. 100 meg and we're just zoomin. AWESOME!

We've also updated and added a cell phone. Doreen didn't have one, per-se, so we updated and made mine a family plan and added a phone for Doreen so we can keep in better touch when I'm on the road and she's out and about. Helps both of us feel a bit more secure when I'm away from home.

Doreen spent a lot of time pulling all this stuff together while I was on a trip to Georgia yesterday.

Another 'great' Christmas present!

Have a happy Holiday Weekend!


Anonymous said...

That's what Scott & I did with our cell phones about 3 years ago. We only had the one phone & we always needed to talk to the other person, but had no way of doing it. So we upgraded my phone to the family plan & got two phones. It's SO much nicer.

Anonymous said...

Steve, what about 911 calls on VoIP phones? I guess that why the cell phone is needed. I need to consider DSL, cause dial-up is killing me and I'm podcasting as well as blogging.

The SSP said...

Hey Jerry - for a buck and a quarter we added the 911 feature so that the girls can dial it if they need.

Dude - if you can swing it - do High-Speed, dial up is so 20th century! :)

Yeah - I love the family plan!

Trailady said...

Congrats! I enjoy having free cell to cell with my hubby! :o)