Thursday, December 29, 2005

Football stuff

Well - this week I watched the last Monday Night Football on ABC. After 35 years they're giving it to ESPN. How sad, very, very sad that this strong tradition and game time has been given away. I'm gonna miss it. Really, REALLY bad! It's like a pick-me-up on a Monday evening that helps maybe after having a rough beginning of a week.

It's sad too - they're turning their backs on the loyal regular Broadcast fans that have supported it, by watching for years and years and even more years. Oh well. This too shall pass.

So this is the last weekend for the NFL regular season. What a great season it has been. Lots of fun games!

The beloved Denver Broncos have made it into the playoffs this year. GREAT. Now just as long as they can keep from getting 'blown out' of them like they have the last couple of years and win a couple of games, they have a better than average chance of making it to the Superbowl. It'll be interesting to see! GO BRONCOS!!!!

Our families annual Pig Skin pick-em will crown a champion at the end of Sunday. Guess who it's gonna be? Unless I blow my 5 point lead over my wife or the 7 point lead over my dad - I am looking to be the Nelson/Pester family back to back to back to back Pig Skin pick-em challenge! Dude - that just rocks! :) Of course to put it in perspective - on ESPN's Pick-skin Pick 'em challenge overall leader-board page, I rank 11,365th. Ok - I pretty much suck at this compared to the other 11,364 others in front of me.

Anyway - Long live the NFL.

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