Thursday, December 15, 2005

What a Whirlwind OR WOW!!!

Well - it's 1am and I just got back from a working trip. It was a busy one! :) Good to be home once again - for oh 6 hours. :) At 6am, we hop in the van and head North to Southern Illinois. The guy who we've held the contract for 4 years on the property up there is gonna pay us off. Yeee haw. PTL! So - Tue I talked with the Lawyer drawing up all the paperwork for us and he wanted the closing at 1p Thur. Right after talking with the Lawyer, I called my trip box at work and found out I was headed to New Orleans, LA and wouldn't be getting back until 11a on Thur. OUCH! So I talked with some folks there and they kindly worked a couple of things around so we could leave early and get back in time for me to go to IL with the family.

Needless to say - things are a whirlwind right now! I had to get on the computer to finalize a couple of things before we leave, so I wanted to leave a post.

I tell you all - the situation in New Orleans is amazing. I drove right through the city (New part, not the French Quarter - couldn't fit the truck there! He, he) The devastation down there is still very, VERY apparant. Houses with tarps over the roofs, downed trees everywhere. (Although it is interesting to note all the HUGE trees that are still standing tall and stately - even though they're looking a bit 'weathered'.) We passed sections of town that they're just tearing everything down, other sections have things being completely gutted and rebuilt. There is trash EVERYWHERE you look. We saw a couple of dealerships with cars that were obviously completely covered with water and probably destroyed.

At one location we saw rows and rows of TV's lined up to be carefully disposed of. Thousands of them.

My partner running this trip with me - I was driving and having a hard time of it because I was trying to take it all in, and not run anyone over! *GRIN* - was tired and wanted to crash, but he wanted to see the city as we passed through. We both couldn't stop pointing things out to each other as we were amazed by what we were seeing. This hurricane set this city back years! It is amazing the resiliency and how fast it is getting back to normal though. They still have a ways to go - but I hope to have a number of trips down there to watch the progress!

Well - I gotta get to bed and at least a few moments of rest before running again. Say a quick prayer for the families in New Orleans who don't have homes to go to. I will be!


Trailady said...

Glad you made it back and I'm sure it's exciting to get paid for the house in IL. I'm sure the whole scene in New Orleans is not pretty. The resilience of human-kind is amazing!

Anonymous said...

That's cool that you get to see so much stuff in your new job. Be careful out there!