Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Time Shifting


How - are ya?

With ALL we've got going on - some of the show we like to watch have been a problem to fit in. (Yeah, yeah, yeah Scott - don't bother with a comment on this! He, he, he!) Some of those shows are , Home Edition: Extreme Makeover, Home Edition: Extreme Makeover - How'd They Do That?, Amazing Race, Apprentice and Survivor. So we occassionally "Time-Shift" them. Record them and play 'em back when we've got more time to watch 'em.

I sure wish we could 'time-shift' many of the other events in our lives. Right now the company I work for still hasn't gotten completely moved, I'm helping my boss build a TV set (Spent the morning running around The Home Depot with he and his wife getting supplies to build a set - that decision was made last night I guess. Originally it was to be professionally done. Guess I'm a professional set builder now! :), we've got a home building project going on - trying to ge the painter to come in and finally get his part done. The electrician has been in regularly and the brick layers are supposed to finish this week - so help me pray for good weather so they can!
We're trying to get our home packed up (unsuccessfully so far) so we can move when the house is done. And finally tomorrow (Thur) we're having a work bee to build out our church's LPFM.

We've got to run 11 ground rods, put up a Patriot Satellite dish, run the antenna & feed cable up the tower, ground all the audio equipment and a half dozen other little things. This is one day I'd like to time shift to another day, but our deadline is coming soon (March 31) so we gotta get this done. It'll be fun (hopefully) but a LOT of work. (Especially climbin' and working - with a safety belt - at the top of the 100 ft tower.)

Have a blessed day y'all!

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