Friday, March 25, 2005

Still alive - barely! :)

Hey, hey, hey!

How are y'all? (Warning, Guilt trip ahead he, he, he...) for those of you who don't know, you can just hit the comments button at the bottom and jot a line or two! :)

We're exsiting right now. Looking forward to the time when we can 'move' home! The place we're living now has really become a place of temporary residence. We've got a bunch of stuff packed up in boxes and ready to move. Still got more to pack - but we're making progress.

Still waiting on the brick layers. It's been three weeks since a brick has been laid on the exterior of our home. Some stuff has gotten done inside. (Blinds hung, toilets mounted, furnace hooked up.) But the plumber, electrician, furnace guy and final grading and the driveway has been all put on hold until the brick-layers are done. Ouch!

Can't wait to get moved though. Today was a 'taste' of what it'll be like to be a family again. I got home at 4:30pm (Yes, that is VERY early! The last two days, gone by 6:45 and home well after 8pm with extra stuff I've had to do.) We ate as a family. (Lately, I've had my breakfast in the car on the way down to Collegedale and lunch at the office and whatever I can snag or is leftover on the way home.) The girls caught me up on ALL going on with them. I shared some stuff happening, mostly good - some challenging, VERY challenging.

Then we went outside, filled our corn crib and bird feeder. Joelle got her bike out and I hopped on the girls scooter and up and down and around the driveway we went. Then down the subdivision and back, then down the cul-de-sac and back. All over the place. Doreen and Natalie walked with us one trip.

Then bath time for the girls and worship and bed-time. (Only my second worship with 'em this week with them. Boo hoo.)

Now Doreen and I are enjoying a 'Gaither homecoming' program and so I thought I'd take a sec to blog then time to crash!

Tommorow, we'll go to church. (Doreen's got 'Call to Worship' and I'm tellin the children's story.) We'll stay for potluck, home for Sabbath afternoon 'lay' activities, then over to some friends who invited us for supper. Looks like it'll be a GOOD day!

Then Sunday, we'll do some 'Easter' activities for the 'Pesters'. We'll pack some more boxes and just have a good family time together - not driving anywhere, no pressure, no stress, a little 'work,' but mostly just being together as family.

Oh yeah!

Have a blessed weekend and a happy Easter!

1 comment:

The SSP said...

He, he, he - yeah - I understand man!