Friday, January 18, 2008

New Telephone Number, the Short and the Long of it!

Hey, we have a new telephone number. The short of it is, we changed VoiP companies and they couldn't get together and get the number swapped. Oh well. The new number is 423-XXX-XXXX. Yeah, like I'm gonna post that here. You should be receiving an e-mail with the new number in it. If you don't it means we don't have an updated e-mail address for you (Or we just forgot ya! Sorry! :( )so send it to us and we'll get you the new number.

The long of it is, we've been with MyPhoneCompany for over two years. We moved into this house just about two years ago and in the move, I e-mailed them asking them to update our E911 service. Well, I checked a few months later, no change. So I went onto their tech site and twice, asked them to change it. Nothing. Well, remember a while back when Doreen passed out? I called 911 and they got the WRONG address, it was still the old one.

So - I finally 'got round to it' and changed to a much more service oriented company, at least it seems so thus far, Lingo.

I checked with the police office and our 911 info is now correct if the girls have to call in an emergency.

Wheeewww, but what a pain.

When we swapped, we requested the number move with us. We waited a week and checked with Lingo, they were waiting for MPC, nothing. So we finally cancelled the original service and sent the box back and they turned off the service without giving Lingo access to the number.

So - to get the number, MPC has to re-activate it for Lingo to grab it. Yeah - like they're going to do that!!! They couldn't do the easy thing, so why are they gonna go out of their way to do this.

The final outcome is we now have a new telephone number!

Hope to hear from many of you now! :)

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just got to love the service companys that dont know what the word service means. I can surely feel your pain.