Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fun Night or No Sleep

We had a GREAT weekend. Both Doreen and I had responsibilites at church, then home for lunch and some family time. We snuck in naps, then headed back to church with a trunk full of 'gear' for an Adventurer sleepover.

We got there and put our stuff up, then hung out. After a bit, we had a meal, worship and then went over to the school gym for two hours of vigiorus games.

Course, we came back over to the fellowship center, and played another hour of games capped off with a gigantic pillow fight. Then we all settled down and watched CARS and finally crashed about 11:45p. It took a while for everyone to finally fall asleep then up at 7:30, breakfast, more games in the gym while clean up was being taken care of, practice for Adventurer Sabbath then home!

At home we just chilled! Oh yeah!

It was a very good weekend.

Oh yeah, and we did get some sleep. (Some other parents did not.)

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