Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Vacation Plans

Last week, I was 'pestering' my supervisor to try and get Sunday off. You see, Doreen's cousin Laura was getting married and I were trying our best to get off.

They only allow so many drivers off for the holidays. It's first come first serve on vacation requsts and you're only allowed to request a year in advance. So last Christmas a ton of drivers requested the time off. We found out about the wedding in Aug and I put a request in immediately.

Well, the vacations were announced and 50 drivers were given off, and I wasn't even close. They allowed another 20 slots open a couple of weeks ago, and I was still WAY down the list.

I started another tactic, could I get my first trip off or rescheduled to try and go to the wedding.

Well - I found out on Friday they gave me Sunday off and then to top it all off, I get the whole Christmas week off! course I had to take it from my PTO - but hey, I got to go to the wedding and have been having some great time off here at home!

Very cool blessing!!

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