Friday, August 10, 2007

School & Cold Feet

Yesterday we had a big trip. Buying school supplies. Pencils, erasers, markers, crayons, rulers, glue, etc!

Usually, I pretty much enjoy anytime I can go buy things.

For some reason, I wasn't enjoying this experience. I felt a bit 'grouchy.'

After I laid down, I started thinking about it and realized that I'm getting cold feet about sending my girls off to school.


Peers, pressure, influence.

Even though I know it will probably be a great experience for them, I'm just a bit worried about all the stuff out there that could possibly mess them up.

Life is rough and they're going to experience a little taste of it without us around.

I know the school is a good one and we really like ALL the teachers there, but still some of the 'psycho' kids will be attending and who knows what will happen.

We've wholly comitted to sending them and with the money we've spent on admissions, uniforms, supplies, etc - there's no turning back.

So I've just got to pray, and be there for them to try to help guide them through the waters of school life to make it safely to the other side.

Another chapter of life is ahead - how is it going to read?



1 comment:

Trailady said...

It's natural to feel mixed about sending your kids off to school. Can completely relate. You are about to increase the sphere of influence in their lives and some of their innocence will be lost when they are mistreated by other kids- which is bound to happen, yes, even in SDA school. They will be okay!! Before you know it, they will be bringing things from school home to show you & you will feel very proud! :o)