Sunday, August 12, 2007

1st PTA Meeting OR Dating, the Good and the Oh My Goodness!!!

Tonight, we attended our 1st PTA meeting for the school my girls will be attending.

Hotdogs, chips, a fruit cup and drink provided. Yummy.

It was kinda fun hanging out with people and learning 'procedures' for school.

Very nice.

New experience!

By the way, the PTA needs volunteers. Don't forget! :)


I'm looking forward to tomorrow. It's a date day.

Doreen and I are going to our favorite oriental restaurant then we're gonna go catch the Bourne Ultimatum. That's gonna be awesome!!!


On the dating front, I'm gonna abdicate my fatherhood when my girls reach dating age!

The back-story... Joelle and I were talking about Star Wars and about the 'Dark Side.' Kinda relating it to life you know, about living on the good side etc.

Well, Joelle pops this phrase, "I wish Luke Skywalker were a real person!"

"Why," I ask?

She just got this funny look on her face.


I am in big trouble - BIG TROUBLE with that one!!!

1 comment:

Trailady said...

Had to laugh about this post. First of all, because we also plan to se the Bourne film.

We are in trouble with Josie. She finds men/boys very attractive and talks about getting married and having kids ALL the time!!

Boys are really starting to notice Ellie when we are out & about. Jay & I are joining a Gun Club up here. Give you 3 guesses why.... lol