Monday, November 27, 2006

Selective or Not Selective Hearing??? Eh?

You know it's funny how an ear works. Since I've had some kiddos, I find that hearing is optional.

A couple of times this weekend, both Doreen and I at one time or other tried to get the attention of both girls for various reasons. Typically we were usually within a foot or two of them, we spoke the name clearly, usually 3 or 4 times trying to get their attention, even going so far to 'tap' them on the shoulder to further attempt to gain their attention. Finally they'd respond.

Well, Doreen and I were in a conversation with some family. The girls were about 25 feet away up at the top of the stairs playing and making noise etc. Anway, we were talking about music and going to see the Gaither..., and Joelle popped up with "Vocal Band."

See - her ears work - when she wants them to.

Fascinating! :)

1 comment:

Trailady said...

Huh? What'd ya say???? Oh I didn't hear you ask me to feed the dog and make my bed.

Yep, get that ALL THE TIME with my crew. grrrr