Sunday, August 20, 2006

Trip Pics

All righty then - I finally got things figured out to be able to get our trip pics posted. Ayi, yai, yai! How annoying!!! It was nothing wrong with the site - of course it was 'user error.'


We were wanting to get to Florida at a decent time - so we left early. Basically we got the girls outta bed, and into their car seats. Isn't this just so cute?!!!

We spent the weekend with Doreen's Aunt June and Uncle Dick. It was good seeing them again and we had fun hanging out with them.

Sunday we went with Doreen's cousins to the beach down by Tampa Bay. Here's the 'human' fish we caught in the Gulf of Mexico. Man - I couldn't believe how warm the water was, it was like a big bathtub. It was so CUTE to see her diving down and looking on the floor of the ocean for things! What a blast.

The girls saw this replica of Shamu and wanted to get a picture with it - so we did...

Later on, we went to see the actual Shamu perform - and before the program Shamu was swimming around and we went down to see him, and this was close as we could get, so Shamu posed with the girls - cute!

Of course - we had to go to Nebraska for G-pa's funeral. After it was all said and done, we took some time to go Geocaching with family! Fun, FUN, FUN!

Since the girls, had to sit so long on the trip, we decided to play hookie from church and go to the Lincoln Zoo. We had a GREAT time!

Before the Zoo, we stopped by the Sunken garden to see this new 'garden' in Lincoln. We got a photo of the whole family together.

It was a good trip - all things considered!


Roseuvsharon said...

Does anyone remember road trips from when they were a kid (i.e. without car seats)?

We went on a road trip in a tiny little blue comet. My mom, aunt, 2 cousins and my sister and I. Plus, on the way back, we had my dad, whom we picked up from an active duty assignment.

The oldest, my cousin, took over the back seat. He put me and my other cousin, his little brother, in the floorboards, and my sister in the back dash.

Maybe car seats are nicer after all!

The SSP said...

Hey Sharon,

That little story made me laugh so hard!!!! What a picture you described. I remember traveling in the back window dash AND the floorboards occassionally. Too funny!!
