Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Old Stomping Ground

So lately, the last two Saturday nights, my trips for work have taken me to some old stomping grounds in Ohio. In 1982 &'83, we lived in Miamisburg, OH. Dad worked in Kettering, OH and we spent a lot of time in Dayton, OH. My trips have taken me right to the Dayton area, albeit late at night! :)

One both of my trips, I drove right by this location - and the first time it was like, "I've been there!!!" It's called Carillon Park. They have this huge tower with bells that ring out beautifully when they play them. It's also displays... Collections depict history of transportation and early pioneer life in the area, including original early railroad depot and section of the Miami and Erie Canal fitted with an original lock; Dayton-built motor vehicles; Wright brothers' 1905 plane; 1912 steam locomotive and tender.

We used to ride our bikes from our home over to the park on Sabbath afternoons. Awesome! Great memory.

I also had to drive pass the exit for W.P.A.F.B. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. It is one of the premier Air Force bases in the USA. Every summer when we were there, we'd go to the airshow there. Man, that was AWESOME!

I remember my first experience with the SR-71 Blackbird. At an airshow, they had one sitting on the tarmac. We got to go look at it. Then later on it took off and did a couple of slow loops around the field, then ZOOOM headed west. I remember 50 minutes later the PA announcer said, "Folks remember that SR-71 Blackbird that was here - it just landed in California." 50 minutes to go almost 2,000 miles. WOW.

Great memories, GREAT MEMORIES!

What an awesome Job! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember all those things. Infact, I was just telling Scott (or maybe it was mom) the other day how I remembered riding our bikes to that park. I loved doing that!!