Friday, June 30, 2006

Lessons NOT Learned

So with this whole thing with my former place of employment,(MFPofE) I've learned a thing or two about my denomination.

They just don't learn do they??

I remember just as my junior year in academy, high school, was coming to a close, one of the factories that many of my friends worked in, Harris Pine Mills, was shut down. Turns out that the owner in his will donated the whole thing, lock, stock and barrel, over to my denomination. They in turn put the running of it into the hands of a pastor who ran it into the ground and they had to close it.

At MFPofE, the same basic thing has happened. It was 'run' by a pastor and it has basically been run into the ground. Only a true miracle can save it now - which by the way is entirely possible. (You know, with the lack experience and training I have in running a business or ministry like the one at MFPofE - if I were put in the leadership position, I could have done as well, if not just a little better than my former boss. I am not exaggerating there! Yes - it was just THAT bad!!!)

Another conference in my denomination had a moving business built up to move teachers, pastors, doctors, nurses or anyone who wanted to move around the country. It was over-seen by pastors and due to a couple of very poor decisions, and mismanagement it went bankrupt.

Those are the few examples that I personally know of first hand, with 'pastors' running businesses or ministries into the ground, bankrupting them, magically making them disappear, whatever!

I know from talking (listening), over the years, to family and friends talking that this has happened in my denomination over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Hummmm?!!! Interesting.

The definition of stupid is to do the same thing the same way over and over again expecting different results.


So, logically I could say that my denomination is being stupid when it comes to these things.

Disclaimer - I'm not trying to diss or rag on, or trash my denomination. I call it 'my denomination' because for the most part - I love my church, it's truths, it's people, it's outlook on life, and mostly it's focus on our Savior. With that said, I'm very disappointed in some of it's leadership, or the very serious lack there-of.

Pastors need to be leading churches! That is what they were 'supposedly' called to do. They can be on a governing board to recommend ways to handle 'businesses' and 'ministries' so that they stay true to the beliefs of my denomination - but they (in general) in NO way should be the majority of leaders of businesses. (Some could and do lead businesses quite effectively - but those people are the exception rather than the rule.) They were taught in school to be a pastor, a spiritual leader, not business people. If they can't hack the position or if they make some terrible decision and do something wrong, or if they need to be moved, move 'em once or twice, but then if they screw up again - don't just move them into leadership. Encourage them to get a job in the real world. Don't make them leaders over something they know absolutely NOTHING, or very, VERY little about!!!

What our church could do with the influx of people and money if businesses and ministries were run by those who had the proper training to make each succeed. Wow - what a thought.

Anyway, I've got these emotional feelings running around in my brain because of the way the boss, and especially spouse, at MFPofE treated me, which lead to my departure and then the latest debacle with over 80% of the staff being fired.

It is so sad that my denomination allows that type of leadership to pervade.

In fact, just this afternoon, I talked with one of those fired, and he talked with a higher-up in my denomination about the latest activities. This higher-up admitted that they knew some things were wrong there, but just did not have the time to look into them specifically, and because the ministry was located somewhere else than Simi-Valley, CA the whole thing was basically off his radar screen and he was sorry the way things happened.

He's sorry? What the heck is that? He's sorry, but he's still got his job and doing whatever it is he does, meanwhile 6 people, 4 families, are left without jobs, scrambling to find something because he didn't keep up with his overseeing of the ministry and let the 'pastor' in charge go crazy as the 'head' of the ministry. I don't even consider him the 'leader.' He never lead - just dictated about a great many things that he didn't and still doesn't understand. That is very, VERY sad!

This higher-up was shocked by the volume of material, and the contents of said material that poured in from former staff memebers, people who had dealings with my former boss and those who run affiliate stations, about how poorly the boss at MFPofE was running the ministry. He said they might look into it. Might!!! *&#$$R@%!@*

What a load of junk! This guy, when he's on the air, spews forth with loads of Christian cliche's, gobbley gook and sound/feel good stuff, then behind the scenes is downright evil to those under him and to those who he deals with.

And these higher-ups feel it's in the best interest of the denomination to keep him in place and let the staff go? What a load of bunk!!!

He said, this higher-up, that while he couldn't divulge everything in the decision making process, that they decided to keep the boss, and wife, at MFPofE and hopefully help the ministry to hang on for a while longer as opposed to bringing the staff back and having to shut it down in 2 months for lack of funds.

It is directly in relation of the lack of following through on the responibilities and charge given to the boss, and his wife, at MFPofE that the ministry is in such a bad position.

Yet, my former boss and wife, still retain their jobs - and if things follow suit, once the ministry folds - and I'm betting that it does (Again which is NOT my wish - I would love to see it turn around - I just don't see how it can so short staffed.) - he will be shipped off to a denomination leadership position somewhere.

Another lesson NOT learned by my denomination.

Will they ever learn?

It is my prayer they do!!!


Anonymous said...

Well son you just have to remember as the bible says "All things work together for good " And you also have to remember that the Lord is still in control. Even if it doesn't seem like it at times.
Love Dad

Trailady said...

I agree with you, SSP. Most Pastors are NOT business men. They have not business running the operations of businesses. I've seen the same blunder made repeatedly as well. In the case of your former place of employment, you are right on. Same problem. Makes me ill, so I try not to think about it...
Like you, I hope they learn their lesson.