Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Here's a quick update on the happenings of my former place of employment. Nothing has changed - only things were handled legally this time. Though badly, very, VERY badly.

When we last left this saga, leadership at my former place of employment (MFPoE)fired 80% of the staff, illegally. Opening up the AMC and the NAD to lawsuits should any of the former staff chose to.

None did. They chose to be kind about it. They chose to be Christianly. I decided to step in and began making calls to the AMC and they were shocked to learn what was going on. They had no idea. So once again, began sharing the atrocities that took place while I was there and the many, MANY that had and were taking place after my departure. The leadership at AMC began speaking with the staff separately, getting their stories.

One story, that was told me was that an AMC leader said we'll work on getting your job back. This person said, if the current leadership stays in place - I don't want it. Give me my vacation time and separation package and I'll go elsewhere. So, at that point the leaders of AMC began asking the right questions on what was really going on there. Thankfully the staff gave honest answers, not mean, just honest.

An opportunity arose for me to contact a number of managers, friends and others who deal with MFPoE. They were encouraged to write or call the AMC leadership to let them know the truth on how they have been treated by MFPoE leaders. Many did.

All the information was gathered and passed along to those who might be able to effect a positive change and possibly salvage the ministry at MFPoE. We were informed that a meeting was to happen on Friday.

So then we waited, and waited and waited.

Monday I heard from a friend, a former coworker, that the results of the meeting changed nothing. Leadership at MFPoE remained in place and the staff fired were still fired.

At that point, Doreen and I were feeling very, VERY sad. For 5 years, I put my all into that ministry. We all did, and we were helping to connect listeners to Christ. Then the change and it was directed away from that focus. We used to have a personal one on one connection with listeners, they became friends. After the change, the listeners were put on the back burner.

I am disappointed in the leadership at MFPoE, for many, MANY reasons. But even more so I am disappointed in the leadership of the NAD. Apparently the leadership at the AMC woke up and got a clue as to what was going on and allegedly were backing and pulling for those who were fired.

But the "Good-old-boy" network, the church politics at the NAD has ruined more than one dynamic ministry and or business helping to support the church. And I believe that is exactly what is happening at MFPoE. Unbelievable. They have made the choice to stick with someone who has come in and run the ministry into the ground. They chose to stick with someone who has taken 90% or better of the personal interaction with listeners, VERY IMPORTANT in radio, off the air. They chose to stick with someone who has taken the focus off of Connecting listeners with Christ.

Why? That is my question. Why? Is it because they put him in there and will look bad if they admit it wasn't the right person for that position and pull him out? Is it because they needed somewhere else to put him because of other problems? What is it? Why? These people were brought in to do a specific job and they have not done anything they had been commissioned to or promised that they would do. He was supposed to be a dynamic evangelist that would be the face of the ministry, putting on meetings in cities that could hear the signal and win souls for Christ. She was supposed to be a marketing genius and would help to raise significant funds. He has yet to have any meetings and the campmeeting I did hear him speak at, a large portion of the audience snoozed through. She turned out materials so bad that I, with no training could have done as well. And I could go on and on and on with many specific problems. That's just not necessary. I just don't understand why the leadership of the NAD cannot see where the ministry used to be and where it is now. To see what was good, bordering on great and now see that it practically useless.

I just, flat out, do not understand.

It is a senseless waste of some good people with talent to help further a ministry and even more so their ability to help people who need Christ to nurture them into that vital connection. It is a senseless waste of a ministry that started out with one station, and thanks to the Lord has grown into a good sized radio network with potentially millions of listeners, that is now being literally run into the ground. It is a senseless waste of donations and money given by many sources and opportunities squandered and thrown away.

The injustice I see is maddening, irritating and annoying. It's disgusting. You know, it's simply evil.

I truly believe that satan saw that ministry as a threat and summoned many, many of his forces to work against it - and weak wills, and those who saw an opportunity for themselves opened the ministry up for attacks that have been very successful.

Programs are having problems, dead air is occasionally heard, and many, many technical issues are now appearing that the support staff is not there to keep things running smoothly.

It is sad - very sad. I can only pray for the ministry to somehow be salvaged.


I guess that's up to God!

1 comment:

Trailady said...

Thank you for this. Believe me, I can SO relate to your frustration. Especially the part about the 'good ol' boy network'. I was quite disappointed in the outcome. Seems the evidence was blindly ignored in favor of the current leadership. grrrrrrr

We are still reeling from all of this. Do keep us and the other former staff-members in your prayers...