Thursday, September 22, 2005

Regression OR Decreased Pain Or Changes on Hold

So we're back to pull-ups at night with Joelle. She had a straight week of dry pull-ups, then had 5 nights in panties with no accidents. The last two nights we've had to get up in the middle of the night and clean up a wet bed mess. (I really hate that after doing it for a year with 16 guys at Odyssey Harbor - state faciliy for abused children - during my sophomore year in college.) ICK!!! Hopefully it'll click soon, very soon and we'll get back to the dry bed at night thing!!!

So the possible upcoming changes have been put on hold because of DHL. Amazing, losing a very important package and delaying everything! ICK!!! :)

So yesterday afternoon and today is really the first time in a LONG time I've not been dealing with pain in my wrist. The last Monday in Colorado (Labor day) I went to ride motorcross with Scott and Brian and about 15 minutes before we had to load up the dirtbikes and leave, I hit a little jump. So, I see this 'larger' jump next to it, I loop around and gun it. I hit the jump in 3rd gear, full throttle and went'a flying. Man, it felt great, I got the right amount of pull on the bars to have a slightly upward launch and then kinda curve the front end over to land - but I went waaaaaay to far and landed on the flat. And I landed HARD. Didn't wreck the bike - thankfully - but when I landed, I hit so hard I lost my grip with my right hand, (Don't ask how I kept the bike upright - I have NO idea) and hyperexteneded my thumb and jammed my wrist into the brush guard. I severly sprained it. OW-WIE! It's taken it's time in healing. I've been able to do things - but it's been an almost constant pain. Well, it's healing and feeling much, MUCH better - thankfully!

So on the way into work this morning, I stopped to fill the pickup. I paid $2.49. It's about time that it get back down to at least under $2.50. (Isn't it sad to that I'm 'happier' it's under $2.50 - that's still high if'n you ask me!!) $3+ was outrageous. I'd like to see it back under $2 someday, but we know that's never happening. We'll probably never see it for under $2.40 again. That is awful. When we left for Colorado, gas was $2.39, so I decided to wait until we got back thinking that Labor Day will be over and the 'summer price hike' will be removed and it'll be back down to a more reasonable amount. Of course Katrina hit and the gas execs took advantage of the situation to gouge us and pumped the price over $3 a gallon, so I've been taking it easy with the 'gas guzzling' truck lately so as to not to have to fill it that often, cuz basically - I can't afford it! :) Basically I'm just glad to see it come down some. Hurts though, because I remember buying almost 5 gallons of gas for my mini-bike with my $2 allowance - years, decades, eons ago! (That gas would last me almost 2 1/2 weeks riding that little Honda 80 for hours upon hours, upon hours! :)

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