Friday, May 29, 2009

Critter Complex

We needed to build a home for our dog and chickens outside to stay dry. So we decded to build a critter complex, dog house, chicken coop, chicken roost.

So this is the process for the beast we built. (Um, how do I attach this to that?)

Support posts, coop back and roost side wall.

Other side to the roost wall, with a cute little entrance.

Roost Ramp! Ain't it CUTE? :)

Dog house sides, coop sides and roost door.

Dog house roof, coop roof, coop door. (The girls did a very good job at helping us sand this thing down to get all the splinters out.)

Paint - barn red - appropriate, don't you think? (The girls really kicked in to help paint. Natalie did all three sides of the dog house and Joelle did the entire inside of the roost. Of course she used a LOT of paint repainting places she'd done before - but oh well. They worked hard!)

Super girl #1 - Joelle - Holding the complex up all by herself.

Super girl #2 - Natalie - Holding the complex up by herself.

The Critter Complex Transport company moving this beast to the backyard.

The 1st critter complex interior visitor.

Our critter's new home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you did a good job on that, and it looks all square to boot. That looks like a good thing to have under your deck. That will help keep some of the weeds down and the chickens will have a nice dry area. I assume the pain was waterproofing for the roof! Heee