Friday, May 08, 2009

My Birthday and the Day after

Hey, as I write this I am now 39 years and 1 day old. Wheeew. Holding onto my thirties for another 364 days! **GRIN**

My Birthday day had a hitch in it's giddie-up. My family and in-laws all piled in the van and headed towards Minnesota to join Shelly in her Masters Degree in Nursing Graduation celebration. So we had breakfast together, I helped Doreen and the kiddos get loaded up and, abracadabra, they disappeared. A sad moment.

I moped around a bit got some packages ready to send, did a little Facebooking (which I just turned that word into a verb) then headed out to a golf course, after stopping at the post office to mail those packages then over to play 9 holes with my good friends Tracy A and Shannon C. We had a blast. Shannon was on a 'roll' with the golfing puns. When he missed a put cuz it didn't 'turn' he mentioned he couldn't get a break. He, he, he.

Then Tracy got us all doubled over with laughter once. He had retrieved a ball out of the water and found out it was no good, so he hit it towards the river through a stand of trees. We heard it carom off of some trees, he put his club back in his back and at that moment, the ball rolls out into the middle of the cart path. Oh that had us howling with laughter! The shocked look on his face was priceless!

After we finished we hit Qdoba for lunch. Yummy Taco Salad. Then Shannon had to get his kids from school, Tracy had a job to do and I headed over to the theater to get a ticket to the opening night of Star Trek. Only cuz I wanted to see a movie Doreen wasn't interested in and I wanted to see that one.

I have only been to one other opening/first showing of a movie. That was the Hunt for the Red October with Roger Cabansag. Excellent book - lame movie.

After I got the ticket, I stopped by a feed and seed store and picked up some Chicken Starter Feed for Tweedles and Peepers. That stuff is cheap! Good thing too! Gotta draw a plan to build a Chicken Coop/Dog house Duplex soon!

For the rest of the afternoon I piddled around on the computer, watching some back Shows, The Office, My name is Earl and NCIS. Ate supper and headed to watch Star Trek at 10p.

Good movie, went home and to bed!

Today, since I did NOTHING yesterday, I wanted to get some stuff done so it doesn't have to be done when the family returns.

So I woke up and called Doreen to wish her a happy B-day, and got started. I after breakfast and the rain started, so I couldn't weed-whack and mow. So I dusted, cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed the whole house, swept and mopped, scanned some documents from my grandparents into the computer and sent some e-mail. I ate lunch while watching Law & Order, then out to mow and weed-whack. (The rain lasted only a hour or two.)

Then talked with Doreen on the phone, showered and off to a Bible study with friends.

A very FULL and busy day, but I got it all done!

Tired now, gonna go crash!!! :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Sorry you had to spend your birthday sans the family...sounds like you had fun all the same. :)