Monday, February 09, 2009

Family Fun Day OR Spring Fever

Work has slowed a little bit so they've been asking drivers if they have a bit of extra time built up to take some off to make sure everyone who needs time will be able to get it until things pick up again. So I did and Sunday was super nice weather - mid 60's - so we took advantage of it and went downtown with some friends to go biking!

Here's Natalie peddling her little legs for all they're worth on the walking bridge.

After we rode for a couple hours we stopped and had lunch at Subway - yummy. It was nice enough to eat outside too!

Then of course we had to go down the block to Klumpy's, an awesome Ice Cream store! Yuummmmmmyyyyy!

My precious girls sitting on the milk containers they fitted with a tractor seat. How quaint!

Then we did some more riding to get rid of some of those extra calories we ate! :) Found a nice spot for a good family photo.

We rode a section we hadn't been on before and found this hill where people were doing a 'southern' version of sledding. Cardboard on a steep grassy hill! Man did we have a ball. The nice thing is we didn't have to deal with cold or snow! :)

I love the look on Natalie's face her first time down. After we went though, she grabbed her own cardboard and slid an number of times by herself.

What a fun day!!!

1 comment:

WhiteTrek said...

What fun! Natalie looks a little scared so I have to give her props for doing it again all by herself.

I wish it was in the 60's or 70's all year round!