Monday, September 01, 2008

Piano Lesson

Natalie has been asking her Papa to give her piano lessons. On occassion, when we're over there he'll teach her a thing or two.

It is extremely precious.

Sabbath, at church, one of the youth got up front and made a request for people to put their talents out there a perform special music for church. So Natalie turns to me and says, "I'm going to get Papa to teach me a song so I can play special music."


So we're looking for a 'keyboard' to get her for Christmas to get her started on lessons. If she wants to learn - then now's the time to get her going!!!

On the same vein, we've got some friends visitng in the area, who used to be Doreen's band teacher. We took Joelle and her trumpet, she got from Poppie, over to him to check it out and give her a little lesson. He mentioned that trumpet she had was not a good one for a beginner - so were gonna look for a cornet that would be easier for her to blow and hold up properly. I guess she's got excellent ambishure (sp?) to play a horn - so that's extremely encouraging, since she really wants to.

My precious little girlies!

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