Friday, June 20, 2008

3 'Sticks' and You're OUT!

Today I had an experience that really sucked.

Here's the scoop. I have to go to my Dr in 4 weeks after starting my cholestrol medication to make sure it wasn't freakin out my liver enzimes. That requires a blood draw for the lab to analyze and to send me a report. Then I meet with my Dr and we go over the results and hope they everything is working the way it's supposed to.

So today I go in to the MRC lab to get my blood drawn to take to my Dr appointment next week.

Typically when I get my blood drawn for a lab test or a donation at the local blood clinic - it's a one stick deal and they get what they want and I'm done! I'm an easy stick.

NOT Today! The gal missed the vein in both arms and had to get the Nurse Practicioner to come in and get one on the back of my hand.


Now I have to give props to my wife, because each time she gets her blood drawn she typically has them miss once and maybe even twice.

Three sticks for me and I wasn't sure about that third one that was eventually successful - she poked around a bit before finally striking red! Oh My Word!

Today, I came home and told Doreen that even though it may cost us a bit more for her to go to our Dr's lab - vs the clinic at my work, she definetly needs to go because it ain't worth it!

No siree bob it surely ain't! Maybe I'll take my own blood sucker in and have her show how it is done - competently!

Not a fun start to the day! The rest was great though! Thank goodness!!!


Roseuvsharon said...

Okay, I'll not let Karl read this one. Too many mentionings of needles. He'll pass out in no time!

Sorry you had such a rough experience. Hope your cholesterol levels are good and you get a good report from the doctor.

Shelly said...

Bummer man! That would not be a fun experience at all.

I had to give myself a pretend insulin injection this week. Thank goodness those don't hurt for those who's lives depend on it! I mean, a mosquito bite is worse than an insulin injection!