Tuesday, October 16, 2007

To Your Health

We've got a guy in church that is going through a TON of health problems. Seems he's always taking time off from work for one thing or another.

Then I start looking around, as I watch some truckers waddle up to a truck-stop, in a grocery store or people walking around in a mall, and there are a bazillion people over-weight, seriously so, or out of shape, and that's just in the little 'berg' where I live.

A while back, we did some walking and it flat wore me out.

So when the girls started school, I started going to the local rec center to exercise, to get into decent physical health.

I hate seeing my friend in church go through all the pain he deals with. I'd like to avoid that if I can and a couch potato life won't help avoid that life.

I've already lost a few pounds. When I stared I was pushing 214, now as of today's weigh-in, I'm down to 207.

When we do anything physically exerting, I notice that I don't get winded as easy as I used to.

You know, it's hard eating a healthy diet on the road as a truck-driver. I try taking lots of fruits and veggies and eat a little better.

But if I'm gonna live a decent life - I'm gonna have to exercise regularly to offset the bad food I get out there.

That's ok though - suprisingly enough - I enjoy it!

To your health!!!


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