Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Queen, the rock band - KJV style!

Tonight we were watching American Idol. (Yeah - I know - some of you are gonna comment about how Reality Shows bite, or just regular TV stinks. Got it! **grin**)

Anyway, the Idol wannabes were singing songs from the rock group Queen.

It made for a very interesting show because how eclectic the tastes of Queen were/are! (Two of the original 4 are still peforming around the world.)

Anyway, Doreen and I were talking, because one of the contestants were peforming this song, and Doreen mentioned the title of this particular song. I think it is one y'all probably know very well...

..."We Shall Rock You."

It took me a sec, then I started chuckling and then giving her a hard time about the King James Version of the lyrics for Queen's song "We Will Rock You!!" Maybe they ought to change it to "We Shall Rock Thee."

It just gets funnier and funnier every time I think about it - of course it's getting later and later...

...Waaaa ha, ha, ha, ha! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, it would be "We shall rocketh thee"!