Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Monday - the New Sunday

Since taking this job, my Mondays are now my Sundays. Typically I have a trip that I run out Saturday night and don't get back until Sunday evening - then I have Monday off.

So we take Monday and do all the stuff we ususally would have done on Sunday.

Of course that throws the whole week off and some days it feels very weird - but it works, and it works pretty well!

Yesterday, I got the gutters all cleaned out, a bunch of bushes trimmed, a LOT of weeds pulled out of our walkway, a completely clogged downspout unjammed, gassed the pickup, did a little shopping, took a little nap, played with the girls, had some time with Doreen, watched a little TV. Oh yeah - it was a good day.

Today, I'm still home, so I'm gonna caulk the outside of the back door, prep the trim for paint, "fog" our bathroom window so we can take down the 'moldy' curtain and actually use the window and then go to the park to play! Should be a good day and tonight I find out about my next trip - probably - who knows, I might be home Wed too!

Have a great 'Monday' y'all! :)

1 comment:

Roseuvsharon said...

Karl's day off is Wednesday. Has its ups and downs, that's for sure. Of course, as a radio station manager, he's still always on call 24/7, and he's spent many days off working. Oh well. It's better than nothing.