Sunday, March 05, 2006

"Oscar" Thoughts

Doreen's (I'm keeping an eye on 'em too! **grin**) watching the Oscars tonight.

So, a theme that has been running through tonight, and mentioned again and again and AGAIN! In fact, the President of the 'Academy' made a huge point of this during his speech. They've had two or three montages trying to bring this point home.

They want us to pass on the DVD's and go to the theater. They want us to spend the big bucks to see every movie. You know what, I got kids and it's a pain to get 'em a baby sitter. It's just easier to pop in a DVD at home after they're already in bed etc!

I can't believe the number of times they've mentioned that tonight. I read and article a few months back of how ticket sales have been down this year, big time, and I guess they're worried.

Well - make better movies! Then I might go to the theater to see em. (Not likely!!!) :)

(Of course I still won't go. I love being able to pause it and go to the bathroom. To be able to really relax. To be able to watch the DVD with the extras and to watch it when I want, not only at 5:15, 7:30 or 9:45. He, he, he!)

Ok so what's your preference. Home or Theater? DVD or Bigscreen?

Of course - they've got the whole outfit thing. What are some of those people thinking. I see some of those outfits and realize that 'normal' people wouldn't be caught dead in 'em. I mean, Charleze Theron's got a bow on her shoulder the size of a car. JLo's puke green dress, and some other lady's dress looks like they took lace just cut it completely randomly and glued it on. Weird man, very, VERY weird!!!

Then why do they have such a hard time picking movies and music that people really enjoy?

They just gave the Oscar for best original music to a rap group with the song, "It's hard out here for a pimp." Hello? For starters rap 'hardly' rates as music and it beat everything else out? Come on people get real. GET REAL!

I could rant on and on and will probably do so in my mind after they pick the 'Best Movie' cuz it obviously won't be this years best movie out there - but the 'Academy' deems it so. UGH!

Any - this pimp is out! :)


Trailady said...

I definitely prefer to watch at home -vs- theater UNLESS it's something that is better on the big screen like Lord of The Rings & Narnia. Those were great in the theater. :o)

Anonymous said...

Deva and I are all for watching movies at home... or sometimes at the cheap theater, but only because we can both go for $6 non-matinae.

Anonymous said...

As I know you know, I'm all about the DVD. Just look at my collection man!
The Oscars are a bunch of hooey, IMHO. I don't even watch them anymore unless there's a decent party involved with friends, and then I'm suffering through the show for the sake of hanging out with friends! And talk about being out of touch with reality... It's not just the clothes the celebs wear, it's the movies that "the academy" deems worthy of nominations, to say nothing of the ones that actually get the awards! I heard that Crash won Best Picture, and considering what was nominated I'm glad to hear it. It was an OK movie with a powerful message, not to mention the only film nominated for Best Picture that I've actually seen. So, I guess now you know how I feel about THAT!