Sunday, March 19, 2006

Drivers of the USA... MERGE

Now let me ask you, what is the problem with merging in this country? It's really not that hard a concept to follow. Really it's not!!!

You get onto the on ramp, also known as the acceleration lane, as soon as you can see, you check for on-coming traffic and speed up and merge in seamlessly, in most cases.

Granted in rush hour and some other times, it's a little more challenging.

But I'm talking to the folks who have a problem merging when I've got half a mile of empty road in front and behind me and yet some yahoo merges directly even with me, no speeding up, no braking - doesn't even look until their lane is about to end.

I JUST don't understand it. I've seen people merge onto an interstate with a speed limit of 70mph at 35mph, I know cuz I've had to slam on the brakes and slow down to keep from rear ending them.

I've seen people stop at the end of a ramp, with the lane next to them have 3 different spots open for them to merge into, but end up stopping because they didn't look.

I've had people get mad at me and wave a special finger and honk a horn because I wouldn't get over for them, but I've got 3 cars on the other side of me in the next lane. (Of course I slowed down for them to get in front of me, but they weren't paying attention until the last minute and didn't notice that until it was too late.)

So I appeal to you drivers of the USA, learn to merge! PLEASE??!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEAR, HEAR!! My #1 pet peeve!