Friday, March 17, 2006

Funky Colored Collars

This last week, I was teamed up with a driver that was majorly unhappy. This is about the 2nd or 3rd driver I've gone with that had these same challenges.

He's looking for something else. He's tired of being 'blue collar.' He wants to go out, have more time at home and make more money doing something 'easier.' The entire trip he's belly-aching about this that and the other. I just listen to him and try to change the conversation because what he's complaining about - I enjoy. Odd isn't it? He doesn't think we make enough money, I'm more than happy with my income. He feels he doesn't have enough time at home with his family. I ran 3 trips last week and I'll be home Sat, Mon, Thur, Fri, Sat & Sunday. That's a WHOLE heck of a lot more time than I was getting before. He says this job is filled with stress, What backing up a truck, blindside? Counting cases of cookies? What is the stress? Shifting 10 times? What??? :)

Now, I don't know if it's because I do have my college education, or because I had a 'white collar' job once or twice that I just can't understand where these guys are coming from.

This guy things he can get a 2 year degree at a State College then go get an entry level job that pays $30+ bucks and hour, plus extremely nice benefits.

Maybe those jobs are out there, but I haven't found them.

If someone knows of one of those jobs with an opening, give me a hollar!

Anyway, I wish these guys the best of luck as they search for these endavors. I'll continue to work where I'm at, have more time at home, make more money and have virtually no stress!!! I'll also wish I don't ever have to run with them again cuz I don't want to listen to their bellyachin!

Hey, y'all have a GREAT weekend!

1 comment:

MovinMan said...

While speaking with Jeremy recently, I told him that my job here is perfect - except for all of the people involved. If it was just computers, CD players, etc., I'd be happy as a clam. I'm now looking at becoming a certified web master and possibly changing careers. That is if I can ever find the time to learn.