Saturday, August 28, 2004

What a Sabbath Morning, Eye, aye, aye!

What a start to a Sabbath morning! Well, better tell ya the whole story. Yesterday I got home from work and my family was visiting next door at my in-laws, so I talked with Doreen on the phone for a moment and then laid down to take a nap. A MUCH needed nap.

I'm snoring (literally) along in peaceful oblivion and awoke suddenly with my littlest one screaming bloody-murder. So I hop up and run to where I hear the crying and see Doreen trying to wash her eye out. The story is that she was playing with some cleaner that Larry (my father-in-law) mixes in the water to wash his truck, and spritzed some in her left eye.

After the water flush, she calmed down and was good the rest of the evening with only a bloodshot eye.

At bathtime - Joelle poured some water over Natalies head and some got in her eye and the screaming bloody-murder started all over again. A few minutes later, screaming over and all is well.

Worship, bedtime for the girls - I've been trying to clean a bug off our computer and haven't cleaned it yet, but should get that soon - then bedtime for us.

At 12:30am more screaming. Doreen got up to change Natalie's diaper and the eye was read and she was rubbing it - so that woke me up from a dead sleep - AGAIN and so we double-teamed her and flushed the eye with some re-wetting drops and with-in moments she was out again. Fast forward to 5am - more screaming - Doreen soothed her again for a moment or two and then out like a lite.

About 6:15a Doreen walks back into our room and I automatically wake up and ask "What's up?" Turns up she couldn't get back to sleep for worrying about Natalies eye. So we call our Pediatric Dr's office and get the answering service - I leave a message and 10 minutes later they call back and I told the Nurse the whole story and she said Natalie ought to be looked at, we set an 8am appointment. So Doreen showers, and get's the girls breakfast started and I take a quickie shower, get dressed swap Natalie's car seat to the truck and hop in with my little one and we head to the Pediatician office.

We get there, spend some time waiting then get back to the office, Natalie's temp is normal, weight 25 lbs and then back to the exam room.

15 minutes later Dr Bean walks in. I thought about making a crack or two about the British Comedian Bean, but since my daughter's eye is on the line, bite my lip. He looks her over and all looks ok - he runs a flouresant test and hold a black light up to her face and all around her eyeball is glowing, but nothing on the cornea - that's good! :)

So all is well, we jump in the truck and head down to church, stop at the grocery store to get some grapes, bagle chips and some juice, cuz we both didn't eat what we normally do cuz of the rush and head to church.

We get there about halfway through Sabbath School, Natalie joins the kids for a story, I find a comfortable chair and snooze for about 15 minutes - ahhhh blisss.

We head in for church and get to special music - just before the sermon and Joelle starts fussing, so I take her back to the 'mother's' room and lay her down. I listen to the sermon while playing Tetris on my phone while Joelle falls asleep.

After church is a good potluck, good conversation and then we head home.

Natalie and Doreen's asleep, Joelle's watching something called "Joshua and the Promised Land." I needed to do a couple of things on the comptuer - so I thought I'd leave a blog for today!

Hope y'all have a VERY good weekend!

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