Monday, August 30, 2004

Round Trippin - Reboot FAILED

What a day. I get to work and get things going and about 11:30a my boss comes in and say's we're going to Chattanooga to see the layout of our new temporary building.So finish the production I was working on, run home change clothes and grab a quick bite, grab the van and head back to work to pick up the 6 others who were going with me. Well - 5 of the 6 others. The 6th walked out to the van 10 minutes after we all piled inside. That's pretty much the staus quo of this person - annoying - but oh well.

So we get down there, meet LTR's Prez there and so we start coming around the building like antz. We're taking measurements and looking at possibilities, looking at current rooms and which ones will be taken down and the upstairs and the fire-escape that isn't up to code. After we spent some good quality time checking it out, the manager of the buildings for SAU came down and we talked and found out some more good info. We then walked around outside to look at the future location of our satellite dishes and the 7 parking spaces we're allowed (They'll give us 5 more after the new lot a block up the road is completed) and hopped in the van and headed to the Village Market.

We grabbed a quick supper to eat on the go - stopped by our property and moved the stakes for where the driveway to building 1 of 3 that is scheduled to be built. (#1 Voice Studio/Landing Pad Apartment until homes are built. #2 our house, #3 Larry & Sandra's house)

We head home - and talk about the layout of the studios and equipment we need to make the move - man Digital Audio Boards is the WAY to go. Can't belive the advancement in technology! WOWWWW!!!Got to the office, had to run in, check e-mail, fix a technical problem with a spot or two on the air, had to go potty and then out the door to home.

At home my girls come out to meet me - VERY precious - and I get hugs. We walk in the house and bath-time, worship time, bed time. Then I pull out the computer - get ready to put a Home/Office Design program on it and Doreen tells me the computer is still running slow. Sure enough - on the task-manager shows some odd process is eating up 98% of the CPU. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! All the time I spent last night was WASTED!!!! @#$$%%^^&*())(*&^^%$%$#%^%$$#%^^$#!!!!!!Gotta get a Virus Scanning Software thingy to clean the ^%$$%^%$# bugs off my compter.So I end the process - and voila and it's fine - except for some websites where I can download some Ad-Aware Freeware to fix the problems. Oh well!I load the design software and do the layout thing for what we decided today - we'll see how everyone likes what it actually looks like.

Right now the Titans are beating the Cowboys 14, 13. Ahhhhh NFL. I feel better now! :)

See ya!

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