Friday, August 27, 2004

NO! Not THOSE Yet! Please?

Hey y'all,

What's up for today? Looking forward to the weekend? I know that I am. Gotta catch up on sleep. I know Scott will give me a hard time for this, but for the past two weeks I've been staying up way later than I should be watching the Olympics - go Team USA - and only getting 4, 4 1/2 hours of sleep every night. Ouch. It's wearin' me out. Glad Sunday nite is the close of the games. Then I'll have to have another excuse for staying up late. Better start thinking of one now. LOL!
I love my girls, but I love my time after they go to sleep - don't have to keep them out of stuff, fighting each other, always wanting attention of some sort or another. So I end up staying up late just cuz.

Well - we went to get haircuts yesterday. (Cheryl, you'd have some business if we lived closer! *GRIN*) Joelle did GREAT. She sat perfectly still for the whole time, except for a couple of wiggles that she just couldn't hold in any longer. The really cute thing was after Joelle got out of the seat, Natalie had to run over and want in. She's still not ready for a haircut - probably the next time she'll be ready for a trim. But the stylist 'humored' her. She put Natalie in the seat, sprayed her hair and combed it around a bit and fussed over it. And Natalie had this look on her face like she's a superbig girl! Very precious.

After we got home, we had to wash our hair to get all those little irritating bits of itchy hairs out. I did Joelle & myself and Doreen jumped in the shower. I headed into the kitchen and Doreen gets out and I hear them talking, then Joelle comes running into the kitchen and announces, "When my boobies get bigger I can wear a bra." I STAND SHOCKED. My little girl, 3 1/2, is already growing up SOOOOOO VERY FAST. My mind shouts, "NO! NOT THOSE YET!! PLEASE??" I mean she's still working on having several dry pull-ups in a row at night so she can wear big-girl panties to bed - a bra??! Oh my goodness. So I get down on her level and give her a big hug and say, "Yes sweetie, you're right." Thankfully, it's just not yet!

After supper we headed to the park, and as is our practice, Doreen watches the girls first and I go around the 1 mile loop around the lake, twice. I was able to do it in under 25 minutes.
My first time when we started excercising was over 35 - so I'm cutting off time. Doreen and I took a health class in college and one of the final exams was we had to do a mile in under 9 minutes. I'm shooting for that - I'm getting there. After I did my laps, I played with the girls on the climbing things and slides while Doreen did her walk. A good way to exercise until the girls get older and can be on their own.

For the longest time - I walked/ran with my CD player cuttin' in and out if I wasn't smooth enough. That was drivin' me nuts, so I finally broke down and bought a Nike/Phillips MP3 player to exercise with. Last night was the first time we went since I got it - no skips, had freed hands to swing as I walked/ran (It has a strap to attach to my arm) and I LOVED it! Aint' technology great??!!

Quick Post Script on a previous post: The c0-worker who threw a hissy fit apologized yesterday. I did send her an e-mail detailing the fact if she has a problem - to talk with the boss NOT ME. She agreed and will try to do that from now on. I'm still annoyed and it'll just take a couple of weeks for me to feel normal around her again without me being worried about getting reamed out.

Well - that is all for now. Oh yeah - GOLD for the USA women's soccer team. THEY ROCK!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, Wheeeewwww - that's a LOAD off my back! :)

Yeah - I've seen that World Series of Poker thing - LOOKS really interesting.

Never thought I'd be interested in watching people play poker soo much!

Ooohhh yeah - LONG LIVE SPORTS!!! :)