Friday, March 16, 2007


Most of you know my last name, and most of you know that I live up to that name. Well, my brother-in-law gets the Razzie Award for 'harazzin' me the most this trip.

As Doreen can attest, it's my nature, that once I find something to pester someone about I do it pretty regularly and thoroughly. I try to find that thin line between a joke and irritating and try to stay Juuuust this side of irritating. Don't know why, I just do. Maybe I ought to go get some therapy! :)

Anyway, before this vacation, I sent out an itenerary to everyone, then a couple of weeks later I sent out a revized itenerary - as some things had changed.

My brother in law, Scott found this a source to 'razz' me about almost the entire time. He did let up the last couple of days. Everytime a question about a schedule came up, he'd have to say something about the itinerary. Then he had the gall to add unapproved activities to the itenerary like going to the potty, taking a shower, sleeping, etc.

Then my sister-in-law had to jump in with him, because she's always giving us a 'hard time' about all the 'plans' we make.

Boy, I took it, and took it very admirably I think.

The best part was, the itinerary worked flawlessly!

Oh yeah - it was definetly worth it!!!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I gave you a hard time alright! It was a blast. Many a laugh was had at your expense. I will be the first to say that you took it very well. I push too far more often than not, that's why I kinda quit for the last few days. Good times... good times indeed!