Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Psycho Drivers


You know - I completely understand why 'Road Rage' exsists!!!

Saturday, I ran into a bunch of goober drivers that really, REALLY drove me nuts.

First, it started with following a friend out to a picnic and the road went up Lookout Mountain. Now, I'm from Colorado and LOVE mountain driving. But taking hairpin corners at 50 mph in a minivan is just silly.

Pet Peeve: Driving together in a 'convoy' with anther vehicle(s) - if I'm in the lead, they drop way, Way, WAY back. Or if I'm following the lead vehicle they blow through yellow lights or drive crazily speeding up or slowing down. Aye yai yai!!!

Ok - so we had our picnic and a wonderful afternoon. Then we hit a couple of Geocaches on the way home. Yeah baby!

So we tried to find one more cache and were unsuccessful. Gonna have to go back and find that one again. Then, trying to get back onto the highway, we missed the turn and headed down to another on-ramp to get on there. Well, we got right in the middle of a traffic jam in downtown Chattanooga due to a graduation.

Well, at an intersection we sat through 2 green light cycles because 4 stupid mooronic drivers pulled into the middle of the intersection then got stuck there, because they weren't paying attention to what was happening around them. Because of these 4 and the traffic ahead of them, no one in the intersection could move through 2 green light cycles. So at the next cycle where I got the green - a couple of them moved so since I was taking a left, there was room and I started to sneak through - and as I got in front of this lady, she realized she could move 1 1/2 foot and acted like she was gonna run into me, then jammed on her brakes and started 'gesturing' at me through her windshield.

Oh man - that got me HOT! HOT, HOT, HOT!!! I tried to roll the window down to holler at her and just tell her what a dumb nincompoop she was for blocking up the intersection. But I couldn't find the right button. So I pulled on through and we got on the interstate and headed towards home.

Then, because of more traffic - I had more merging problems with a couple of vehicles. Argh!!

Then back on a two land road, with a turn lane, someone stopped in front of me, in the driving lane to make a left, not even using the turn lane! THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE THERE FOR - THAT'S WHY THEY CALL IT A TURN LANE!!! THAT'S WHAT THOSE CURVED ARROWS IN THOSE LANES ARE FOR!!!

Then, THEN following this big Chevy Blazer around a corner up a hill, they decide at the last minute to make a left, don't use the blinker, just jam on the brakes and turn, don't use the turn lane, don't even look ahead and almost run into an on-coming vehicle and veer back into our lane.

So I'm railing against the quality of drivers out there with each incident and Doreen is just laughing herself to death because of my antics in handling the actions of these poor quality drivers.

What, WHAT, WHAT is the matter with people when they get behind a steering wheel - they just get stupid? Very, VERY stupid?!!!!

I mean, I have problems with people like that on the truck, but it doesn't bother me as much - maybe becasue I've come to expect it out there - and it just takes me off guard when I'm in a little vehicle.

People have just become so incredibly inconsiderate while driving now-a-days. They cut you off, don't merge properly, don't give-way to let people in. Their are so many talking on the phone, they don't take the time to signal and use their blinkers or prepare for obstacles down the road. So many don't even prepare for an exit coming up and jump over 3 lanes in front of a bunch of people to try and make the exit ramp.

Man-o-man O man!!!

Psycho, psycho drivers.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. That's what you get for living out in TN. I'm a little flabbergasted that you seem to have expected more from the people out there!

MovinMan said...

What a great post. I hope you were praising God that you COULDN'T get the window down. Might've been a bad witness. I agree with you though about the frustration of idiot drivers. Here in the Ozark hills there are many two lane, no passing zone roads. Nothing bugs me more than to get stuck behind somone for 20 miles whose driving 35 miles an hour and the speed limit is 55. G-r-r-r-r-r-r!!!

Trailady said...

Okay, so here in the south, the drivers go REALLY slowly. I go to pass them and suddenly, they feel peppy and speed up. Tonight, I was passing this guy. He sped up, I went faster and he just sped up again, so I slowed down, then he slowed down. There was another car coming and this jerk wouldn't let me get over. I put the hammer down and whizzed around him just in time. What's up with that??