Sunday, May 14, 2006

Double Sore

Happy Mother's Day y'all - especially to ALL MOMS! Y'all are very, VERY special.

So today, for Mother's day, Doreen met with some other ladies to practice for their softball team. She's not played in years, but still has the moves. Although she is very sore from fielding, hitting and running. She'll get into softball shape soon. Sounds like they've got a pretty good ladies on the team.

While she was doing that, I was at a friends house with the girls. We ran out quickly to show a guy our pickup - pray he buys it - soon! :) Then back and got the guns out and carefully we shot a .22 target pistol, .357 revolver and a 12 gauge shotgun.

Basically we aireated his lawn. Yeah baby!

Afterwards, we ran a couple of errands, ate out at a yummy Mexican restaurant and did some goofing around in the afternoon. We put the girls to bed, watched and was very dissappointed with the restults of Survivor, now I'm blogging, gonna go make my lunch for tomorrow's trip - pack my bag and hit the sack!

It has been a Good, very, VERY good weekend!

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