Hey - what up?
So last Friday, just before noon our church service coordinator calls and says she had a person back out on telling the Childrens story and would I fill in. "Sure" was my reply.
I forgot about that agreement until later in the evening and so I'm trying to think about what I can tell. I could tell a story about trucking. (So many people tell borning stories though.) Then I try to think about something I could take to draw a good thought out for them... Hum, maybe a blank CDr and one that has been burned and then tell how our lives begin blank and the choices determine what is written there. Oh wait - we found a turtle cleaning up the new yard - kids (and adults) always LOVE animals. Ok - now what story do I tell?
I start looking on the web Sabbath morning trying to find a story to tell. And miraculously I find the story about
The race between the Beaver & the Turtle. My girls have had a hard time sharing lately, so this story fit perfectly. Everyone at church loved it and the turtle even stuck his head out when I picked him up to show everyone. It was perfect. What a blessing.
Did you know that if a turtle eyes are red it's a female if they're yellow, they're a male? I didn't either until someone at church told me that as I was walking out with the turtle. (Course it may just be an old wives tale - but oh well!)
So when we let Mr Turtle go, Joelle & Natalie said "Bye, bye." Then Sunday morning we went outside to try and find Mr Turtle - we couldn't see him anywhere. We went back inside for breakfast and Joelle started waxing eloquent. (It was soooo cute!) She said Mr Turtle really liked going to church with us and he was going to tell all his friends about going to church and hearing about Jesus and how they can get to know Jesus if they'll come to church with us! (All together now, aaaahhhhhhh!)
Wednesday eveing before leaving work, I get told that we have to create a 60 sec spot for GC session that is due Friday morning. WHAT???!!! So I say, give us a script and we'll put it together. I don't get the script until 10a on Thu morning, and that was after beggin for it for 2 hours. AAaarrrrggghhhhh! Then it was so incredibly bad - my 4 year old could have written it. So we (my team of 3 video guys and me) rewrite it - and then 'he' comes back upstairs at noon with a second script, (it's better, but very old school, preachy and condecending) and chooses to use it over ours. Oh well.
We shoot it and then begin working on it with everything else. I leave work very late and my guys don't leave until 3am, but it got done! And done very, VERY well I might add!
Well, "He" comes in this morning and starts picking it apart. Stupid little things, stupid, stupid little things. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
So we appeared to 'fix' the little technical things he was complaing about - but really didn't because they were FINE. You know most producers are find because the talent comes in and does their thing and leaves the technical thing to the technicians - and just want to be made to look good.
Not where I work. "He" thinks he knows it all and so he started editing around on what we did, then went downstairs for a few minutes. I closed the program without saving any of his changes. We did have one spelling error that got fixed - but other than that it was perfect! Oh man did I get 'hot' under the collar today!
Thank God the weekend is here and that it's a long holiday weekend. Give me a chance to cool off and forget.
Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!