Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Girls - Misc Photos

Love taking pics of my girls, especially when they are photos that I can use later for blackmail! Waaa ha, ha, ha!

A while back we went to a new food-joint in the area, FireHouse Subs. Good grub!

Anyway with the kids meal, they get a free firehat - so Joelle got home, found her black boots and red outfit and became my firegirl! :)

One afternoon at a Burger King playplace, Natalie wanted me to take a picture of her climbing ability. Love her 'proud' "look daddy, I did it" smile!

One day after picking them up from school, they both said they were tired and lay down like this as I drove home. Precious!

One evening, these two were hyper, so to get some of the wiggles out, we put on some music and had 'em dance some of those wiggles out! Very, VERY Cute!

I love my girls!

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