Saturday, November 22, 2008

Casserole Competition

Doreen and I had a casserole competition today.

Here's the full story.

Yesterday evening we were reminded that today was the Thanksgiving potluck at church today. We forgot about it and didn't plan for it on our menu. So we thought about it for a sec and I said, "we've got numerous boxes of macaroni - why not make a casserole."

The reply from Doreen was, "No way, I'm not taking boxed macaroni to a potluck, that's icky and everyone will know and you can ask anyone and they wouldn't do the same."

Well - we decided to make a spaghetti casserole and take it. This morning at breakfast though, the topic was again brought up and I said that I could make a macaroni casserole that no one would realize was boxed and Doreen said no way.

I took that challenge. After we finished eating I grabbed a couple of boxes of macaroni and got 'em going to make the casserole. So it was on, one spaghetti marizetti and one cheese macaroni casserole.

Well - I'm not gonna anounce the winner, but since this is my journal and I write it, I will tell ya that the macaroni casserole was gone! Hummmm!

It was funny at potluck, two friends - ladies, were giving me a hard time about bringing boxed macaroni to a potluck. Hummm, funny, wonder how they knew about it? Course both of them copped to being told about it - plus - one made a potato salad out of leftover potatos and the other brought a ready made cheesecake - so humpf! :)

One friend at our table ate it and she loved it - and was then told the story and got a huge kick out of it!

One just has to make it right! :)

It was fun having our own Food Network type throwdown! :)

PS - In the pic, the macaroni is on the right!

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