Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Feelin' Fine

I was just talking with my mom, who lives in the western portion of Colorado, this morning. Our conversation, at one point, turned to weather. She told me they had 6 inches of snow fall and were expecting a bit more before all was said and done. My sister-in-law who lives in Minnesota wrote in her blog a week ago, they just received 8 to 10 inches of snow.

Here today in Tennessee, it's Sunny and 80 degrees. I've been inside, outside and just about everywhere today in nothing but shorts and a T-shirt. It's the middle of December!!! How odd is that?!!!

I told Doreen today after doing our grocery shopping on the way home, I feel like we live in Florida. This is Florida's winter weather, not east Tennessee!

Oh well - I'll take it cuz it feels GREAT!!! :)

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Yeah, yeah. rub it in! We're excited that next week we might hit 32 degrees! Many mornings when I take the kids to school we've been between 1 & 11 degrees below zero. Today we were in the balmy teens! It will feel like a heat wave when its 30+!!!

My brother-in-law lives in Florida and its in the mid 80's today and they are under a tornado watch!