Saturday, September 01, 2007

On Call & Still Waiting

I LOVE my job. It's a great job. It's a tough job, but the pay, the extra trip incentives and the home time are awesome.

My only problem is two times a year, each driver has to take 'on call' or 'stand-by.' Basically that means, we're on call and if a driver calls in sick or can't make a trip for any reason, the 'stand-by' driver is called in to fill in for the trip.

So the next two weeks are my on call time.

Typically, by Thur night and definetly by Friday afternoon, I know my 1st trip schedule. Well, since I'm on call, I have to wait until 11p to call in to find out what's happening.

So - I'm just waiting to see if I have to run. I'm still waiting. Argh! It's killing me. Tonight when I tucked the girls into bed Natalie asked if she'd see me in the morning? I don't know! Hated telling her that. Usually I say, "Yup we'll have breakfast together," or "nope, I'm headed to South Carolina and won't be back until Monday morning." Or something like that.

But tonite, "I don't know."

Well, soon enough I'll know and then go from there!

Until then - I'll wait! :)


Anonymous said...

I would think that since you've taken at least two loads for other drivers recently that they might let you off the hook a little!

Anonymous said...

I can see how being on call would be hard on ya Steve! You can't put anything on your agenda! It has to be open, no planning or scheduling anything. Nothing has to be put on your list.

On the other hand, it goes pretty easy for Randy and me. The only thing I don't like is that we have to PLAN on taking 2 cars to church or any other function we're wanting to potentially do while Randy is on call.