Monday, February 05, 2007

We're Cookin Now

For Christmas the girls were each given a baking set to help mommy in the kitchen. A few weeks ago, they made some 'mini-muffins.' We just forgot to take a pic.

Well for the Superbowl, we brought cookies and brownies. Yummy. So the girls got all geared up and started cookin'.

And a super job of baking they did. They made some yummy bar cookies, and some brownies, one set had some mint chips in it. Super yummy!

Of course being related to 'Doreen' the girls had to ham it up a little. Each of them is so very "super" cute!!!

1 comment:

Trailady said...

Yep, I have to agree- they are pretty darn cute!!!!!

Great to see you guys & say goodbye the other night. Appreciated the chance. We'll be in touch...