Monday, January 08, 2007

Geocaching Hides

After Geocaching since 2004, we finally put out 4 hides. I've been wanting too for a very, VERY long time, just haven't ever gotten 'around to it.' I've had the containers and the the SWAG to in the containers and stuff, just haven't ever done it.

Well - finally, I said, "Let's just do it."

So, in Wildwood, GA where Doreen's grandma lives, there are 3 truckstops relatively close together. 2 in GA and 1 actually in TN. We found locations to hide to Micros and one Small cache.

Saturday night on my trip up to Kentucky, I go by a Pilot truckstop that doesn't have a geocache within 20 miles, so I stopped at midnight and left one there.

So that's now four of our own hides out there! Cool man.

Check 'em out if your iterested!

#3 GeoTrucker - Fast Travel

#4 GeoTrucker - Pilot or Co Pilot

#5 GeoTrucker - Co Ne Co

#8 GeoTrucker - Stinking Creek Cache

Oh yeah - Geocaching Rocks! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're getting some play on those caches already. Coolness!