Friday, September 15, 2006

Bizy, Bizzy, Busy!

Wow, I just looked at my page, it's been a while hasn't it?!! After that long trip to NH - I was wore out.

Then Friday, we had to help a friend of Doreen's Grandma install a new satellite dish system, then over to another friend's for dinner.

Sabbath was a very busy day with church, then a picnic, then a long drive to some nearby falls, and then a hike then home, pack a lunch, change clothes, spend 30 min chillin, then back to work.

I took three trips this week - so not much else going on. Got a trip tomorrow night planned, then a back-to-back run Sunday night.

Aye, caryumba! Busy, busy, busy!!!

Interesting bits, Just learned this afternoon, that my dad is in the hospital. Get was getting home from a trip and he got a fever, then his leg began to hurt and got swollen. So they admitted him, ran some tests, no blood clot, but they're running some pretty high levels of antibiotics in him. Hopin, he gets better soon!

Joelle is quickly learning to read. Monday, Doreen introduced her in her studies to simple words, and they have some simple books - like Dick & Jane stuff, and yesterday when I got home from a trip, that's the 1st thing she wanted to show me she could read. Boy it was precious!!! Not only that, but because Joelle is picking it up - Natalie is very, VERY intersted and with a little prompting, she's quickly learning to read to! Can you believe it??!!

We were at the falls last Sabbath with some friends, and because I had to work - we left before the rest of 'em. Turns out, that Joelle's best friend, Jannah, dropped from some monkey-bars, landed odd and broke her arm. Oh - it was so sad to hear about that!!! Joelle has plenty of empathy for her!

Well, I'll sign off for now - until later, bye!

1 comment:

Roseuvsharon said...

Both of my little ones are loving Reader Rabbit phonics CD Rom I got for them. Matthew will be 5 in November, and Greta is 3. I don't mind Greta playing along with Matthew as he learns sounds and phonics. I don't expect her to learn to read yet, but she sure enjoys doing it with her brother! And it's never too early to teach a child to read if they are showing interest. Introducing them to reading early on in life only makes things easier in the long run.