Friday, January 15, 2010

Natalie Growing Up or The Golden Rule

Recently we've had a couple of 'issues' with Natalie and her classmates at school - unfortunately. Thankfully, we were able to turn it into a chance to teach her to "Do unto others, what you would have them do unto you!"

She had an incident with a classmate at school who was lying to her, and Natalie slapped the classmate for lying! Oy! So we had a talk and told her that was completely unacceptable and it appeared that she understood.

A couple of weeks later, she got upset at a little boy and pushed him. Well, that was it. We gave her an opportunity to think of a punishment for herself to help remind her to keep her hands to herself, or we'd come up with one for her.

By the time the deadline to choose a punishment rolled around, she hadn't thought of anything, so Doreen and I had one locked, loaded and ready to go.

The next Sunday she had invitations to go to birthday parties of two classmates. We had planned to attend both, but because she chose to be mean to other people around her, she could not be around friends - especially at a fun event where she 'might' be mean to others. So she was only allowed to go to one party - the one that wasn't as near as fun as the other one.

She did NOT like that much at all. She was really looking forward to going to the one.

We think it's worked though. Since then - no problems! We're continuing to pray that she continues to think of the Golden Rule when she is around her friends and classmates!!!

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